Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Pissing Contest

I got home yesterday from yet another 14+ hour day to find a rather poorly thought out and threatening(if a week off were something I wouldn't look forward to) email from my boss. We have deadlines for sending in paperwork and I am a procrastinator. It seems I missed the deadline on not one, not two, but three reports already this week. Funny thing about that is that two of those are one report(at least when he talked to me last week he wanted me to put them together as one) and one of them is a report that another investigator that I worked with is putting together(he did that one in exchange for me doing the one that is really two, since we both worked the cases together). I was told, not directly(my boss cannot say these things to me over the phone, he has to send it through email), that if I was late on one more item this week I would be getting a week off, without pay. Time was, I would have been really nervous about this, because I used to live paycheck to paycheck and never have anything left over. Now, however I could go several months without working and not worry about it.

The thing about the reports is, I send them in and no one looks at them for about 2 weeks. I get a call asking about it when they finally do get around to reading it and can't answer questions about it because I have alreasy worked another 15 files in the interem. So a day late here or there with a report, for me to actually have time for myself, is a sacrifice I am willing to make. If I am told a certain report needs to be expidited, it is always on my boss's desk the next morning, sometimes the same afternoon.

I am hoping he follows through with his threat because, theoretically the videotape that goes along with those reports is already late and will not be arriving at the office until tomorrow, but, seeing as that I am scheduled for a case tomorrow, I guess the "threat" of a vacation was just that.

Damn, I wanted to sleep in tomorrow.


Blogger Larry said...

Believe me, they can't afford to give me that much time off and they don't fire anyone.

Hell if they give me that time off it will give me a chance to start looking into positions within insurance companies where I will have a 5 day schedule and probably no travel.

6:57 PM  
Blogger Callie said...

Yikes! I hate getting stuff like that from a boss. It sucks.

Sorry you have to deal with it. However, it's good that you don't have to worry about it. Wish I didn't.

7:12 PM  
Blogger Larry said...

Callie, I was just posting that cuz nothing more interesting happened today. I honestly cannot keep track of how many times I have been threatened by my bosses in this company and have stopped caring. I just wish he would follow through with the threat so I could go to the lake, get a room hang out and maybe late at night browse the net for job opennings.

7:20 PM  
Blogger Nickelplate said...

DimLights- I hear ya, I'm a major procrastinator, as you can tell cause my comments are usually days ex post facto.

Callie- Nice new picture. ;)

Lar- Take your vacation time down here, I just got the cougar painted with it's second to last coat of paint and we're ready to do engine work. U gotta learn if you're gonna get your hotrod done someday!

7:30 PM  
Blogger D said...

As they say, "Put off to tomorrow that you could be doing today." or something along those lines.

9:02 PM  

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