Thursday, September 21, 2006

L is for Logic

A logic puzzle for you.

A man has a small boat and needs to get across a river with all of his worldly possessions. These are a dog, a goose and a bucket of grain. He needs them all to be safe on the other side to continue his journey and can only take one of them in his boat at a time or else it will sink. If the dog is left alone with the goose, it will eat the goose. If the goose is left alone with the grain, it will eat the grain. How does he get them all across without any of them being missing at the end?

This is actually fairly simple. I managed to get it in about 3 minutes when it was told to me, the other day.

Good luck.


Blogger Dirty Gypsy said...

This logic puzzle is moot considering a fire-breathing dragon comes by and roasts them all.

But if they manage to survive the attack, I would say that he needs to:

-Take the goose over.
-Go back.
-Get the grain and take it over.
-Pick up the goose and go back.
-Drop off the goose, pick up the dog, and go back.
-Leave the dog with the grain.
-Go back for the goose.

Am I right? Took me about 45 seconds.

12:43 PM  
Blogger Kal said...

Yeah, I got that too... I am so smart, S-M-R-T...

8:06 AM  

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