Saturday, June 11, 2005

Heidi Klum Dreams

Today I had a Duffesque moment. I walked into Burger King near my subject’s residence to use the facilities. First of all, I must say I never wanted to be Heidi Klum more than when I walked into the restroom and stood over the urinal. As soon I started to relieve myself, Seal began serenading me over the BK radio system. It was perfect timing, I start to feel better and then Seal’s voice all for me, at that moment I was very envious of Ms. Klum. Then another man walked in and even though he had no idea what I was thinking I felt slightly more awkward than I already did.

Now, on to the Duffness of the experience. While I completed watering the urinal the man proceeded to one of the stalls. After his grunting and situating himself onto the toilet seat(I am assuming this from the short amount of time it took) his cell phone rang. Etiquette demands you not answer your phone while on the throne. I guess no one taught this man any etiquette. He answered the phone and proceeded to talk while dropping the kids off at the pool. Now, if I could hear the logs splashing into the bowl and the strain in his voice, I would think the caller would be able to also, knowing how well most cell phones pick up periphery sounds. The worst part is this was a rather juicy variety crap, and very boisterous on its way to freedom.

I really don’t have very much tact myself in most situations, but, come on, it definitely was not that important of a call. As a matter of fact, from what I heard, through, the bowel clearing sounds, it was “How are you doing?”/”What’s up?” sort of call(yes I do make a habit of listening to peoples' converstions).

Anyhow, I am sitting here typing this in my car and hope to have something more interesting soon.

Flash to 4 hours later and nothing else interesting happened so you will just have to deal with the conversational crapper and my yearning to be a mega hot model/singer's wife. Enjoy.


Blogger Joe said...

When I saw the title of this post, I assumed there was going to be some kind of reference to desiring Ms. Klum. Kinda threw me off guard when you talked about desiring Ms. Klum's husband.

3:58 PM  
Blogger Larry said...

yeah, i definitely desire the wife, but, really, would love to have someone sing to me as beautifully as Seal does. Maybe i could try to land norah jones or some such woman.

4:08 PM  
Blogger jazz said...

well b/c i'm a nice stalker, i could give you norah jones's e-mail addres, though i'm not sure what good it will do.

also, i'm guilty of peeing while talking on the phone. i do it only with my mother and my best friend and i full out warn them, "you're going pee with me." and they don't seem to mind. in public...that's a different story.

6:55 PM  
Blogger Nickelplate said...

I have the common courtesy not to talk while makin' brownies. Anyway, I'm an in-the-stall reader, so I don't usually have time to call my peeps. I text message people from the stall all the time. Everyone knows where I am when the end of the msg says, "Mud." Jasmine, how did you get Norah's Email? Peace.

8:11 PM  
Blogger Kristin said...

I'm with Jasmine... my sister, my mom, my best friend all get the courtesy of coming with me to pee.. but even in the house, the door is usually open unless we're dropping the Cosby's off at the pool. Perhaps its the way most of society is "trained" to believe that its such a horrible thing that we have this taboo?

8:24 PM  
Blogger Larry said...

Jazz: even if you gave it to me I would know what to do with it. Peeing isn't so bad and if you can hide the crapping sounds it aint bad either but, this guy had no chance, with the straining and craptastic fart/shit sounds coming from his ass.

Brad: "courtesy" is the perfect word. Jazz is a stalker, she probably has your home address somewhere. although, I wouldn't worry abot gettin a visit, she's a big city gal from NY and well, you, let's face facts, live in the sticks.

Kristen: Peeing, not so bad. And it is taboo cuz it is disgusting to hear it. Unless someone is dying or the world is ending I think it can wait a few minutes.

At least both you women have the courtesy to tell the people you are talking to. This guy was straining and sharting before he told the other person what he was doing.

4:08 AM  
Blogger Larry said...

Jazz: That is, "I wouldn't know what to do with it."

5:46 AM  
Blogger Rebel_Posse1973 said...

Okay, I had a friend of mine tell me a story about an incident that happened to him in a public restroom.

He sat down in the stall and began his business when the guy next to him politely asked, "How's it going?". No the man was not on a cell phone, he was actually striking up a conversation with my buddy while he was on the toilet. "Uh, well.." my friend replied to him. The guy continued on with, "What do you do for a living?" to which my friend replied, "Listen man, I don't mean to sound like a jerk, but I'm not really into having conversations while I'm on the toilet." The man apparently got his feelings alittle hurt and said, "I'm sorry man. I've just been here for quite awhile. I've had diarrhea all day." So my friend told the guy "No worries" and got out of there as soon as possible. I wasn't around to actually say this story is for real, but the friend that it happened to is a pretty stand up guy so I'm inclined to believe it's true.


11:02 AM  
Blogger Larry said...

Nice. As fo diarrhia stories, I have a great one but unfortunately fear the loss of readership if I were to post it.

11:38 AM  
Blogger duff said...

i take my mom to the bathroom, as well as select few friends.....but only if i'm mid-conversation and feeling too lazy to call back.

i can honestly say, however, that i have never called or answered while on the can. that's just a little rude.

12:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This post cracked me up!
I'm guilty of peeing (but only peeing) while on the phone -
mostly because i talk to a lot of those people who won't let me get a word in edgewise, so i never have a chance to say i have to go.
But, if i do say so myself, i pee pretty quietly.

Btw, re: "yes I do make a habit of listening to peoples'conversations".

Considering your career i'd say this is a good thing. :)

9:50 PM  
Blogger Larry said...

Duff: Peeing, not so bad. Sharting loudly, straining to get your words and saying something about, "trying to lose weight" not good good at all.

K: Sometimes this eavesdropping thing ends very badly. that was pretty much the second point of this entry.

2:57 AM  
Blogger Dirty Gypsy said...

Larry, you conveniently forgot to tell me about the Seal/Heidi Klum thing when you called on Saturday. (Gee, I wonder why?)Though I have to admit that I laughed out-loud when I read the first paragraph, because I did NOT expect that. I thought I already knew the story.

You're a sick man, brother. Sick, I say. Heh.

8:14 AM  
Blogger Larry said...

see, you can live with me most of your life, and I am still full of surprises.

9:39 PM  

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