Dogs and Golden Showers
I have been saving this post for a while. The last two times I have gone to visit my Dad and family in the sticks, my lil' brother's dog has managed to get a little wet. Being that my Dad's house is on the middle of his large parcel of land and not visible to any neighbors or the main road, if one is outside and inclined to piss, one just has to open their zipper and let go. No one else can see you. However, my brother's dog, Molly, is a ball of energy and just loves running around. A few months ago I was visiting and she decided that where I was peeing was where she wanted to run. She recieved a golden shower. I love that dog, it is the only dog in my family that I get to see on a semi-regular basis. However, for the rest of that visit, I couldn't bring my self to pet her.
On my last trip down, a few weeks ago, my lil' bro decided he needed to take a piss, and slap my ass and call me Charlie, if she didn't do it again. Ran right through the warm golden spray that was my brother's urine. Thankfully, it rained all night and her being an outide dog, she pretty much got washed off.
I thought it was weird that she has a foot fetish(being a breed of dog that was bred to herd sheep and cattle, she naturally goes for the feet), but her love of the golden shower, it frightens me.

At least it's dog running through your pee and not the dog running after you trying to pee on you, right?
It's all in the perspective, Larrikins.
I'm with Motherdear. What's up with pissing all over? Do you at least find a bush or tree?
MD, we don't walk around barefoot on the property, it is too rocky and too mch shit to bite you in other places then the hoo-hoo.
Paul, sometimes you just have to get back to nature
Oh, P-shag, I have been peed on and pooped on by dogs in my youger years. I was just a toddler and out in my grandparents back yard, sitting down when there, rather large dog came over and pissed on my head(my mother can tell this better than me, she saw it and I was too young to remember it). When we went to pick out our beagle that we had when I was growing up(i think I may have been 5-6 years old) I was holding one of the puppies and it shat in my hand. I walked over to my mom and held out the poop and said, "Mommy, what do I do with this."
I'm still laughing at the visual of little Larry getting peed on like a tree stump.
missed you! new address due to EX issues! ...Ox...t
And you didn't have to pay her a cent...
well I was gonna say, ewwwwwww, but ltme bet me to it.
Blech. I wouldn't pet the poor dog, either.
Why is it guys don't have a problem pissing in nature? Is it some recessed chromosome that makes them able to do this freely, without indoor plumbing? Are women just more repressed than men? If that's the case, thank God for repression.
And now I'm going to have the vision of baby-Larry being peed on. LMAO.
Okay, First of all, Molly's a Catahoula. A mixture of different canines. tells you thier history, but in short, They're part "spaniard war dog", part red wolf, New Guinea Singing dog, dingo, and part Xoloitzcuintli (they think, maybe). Very Energetic dogs, they be.
Second, peeing outside is okay for guys cause they can just stand up and do it wherever. Women, however have been trained by society to think that only a toilet is proper and that outside is a BAD place to go. Where do you think it goes after the potty drinks it?!?! OUTSIDE. You've been brainwashed, motherdear and co. If you've never lived in the country, you may not ever understand. Plus, urine is a completely sterile liquid and will not give you "germs" or anything else if you accidentally get some on the bottom of your feet (which is one of the dirtiest places on your body, dirtier, in fact than urine!)
Actually... As a Lab Boy, I must dispel the "urine is sterile" myth. It does in fact contain millions of bacteria and other cellular debris (white blood cells, blood, skin cells). However, the bacteria is mostly normal flora that is non-pathogenic, except when you have an active urinary tract infection. And the white blood cells and blood may be there because of an infectious or inflammatory process taking place, or, in females, because it's that time of the lunar cycle.
There. You all can send me your e-mails and I will e-mail you back a certificate of attendance to this little class. :p
I was meaning infectious germs.
I guess this means I need to stop drinking the "iced dog piss" that kid down the street sells?
Sorry, to post so soon again. Also the Anglo-Saxon peoples boiled down Cow urine to a paste and used it as a fix for large cuts and things. Antiseptic or what?
Yes, the uric acid from the boiled-down urine is an antiseptic and good antiinflammatory. The boiling took care of the germs.
dogs with a fetish sheesh!! whats the world coming too ?
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