As Promised
My friend who went to Vegas with me finally took a bit of time(which he does not have much of) and sent me the pics he took of me in all my gigolo glory. Thanks, A, I know how much of a crunch you are under all the time and appreciate you taking some of your spare time to send the pics. Without furhter ado, here are a few of my favorites. Please note from now on, the Jackass will be my profile pic.

This is Strawberry Luv and I, on the bus going to the contest.

From left to right: Atlanta, Toronto, Phoenix, New York, and Me

Group birdies.

Panama Jackass. This is a cropped and shrunk down version of my favorite pic from the trip.
Well, y'all I hope it was worth the wait. There are other pics, but these are the best ones.
Blues update: My boys finally won one tonight. Lalime actually looked solid. However, he has to even out his record before I will give him a break. The Cardinals open up the NLCS against the hated Astros tomorrow evening. GO CARDS!
like the pics! i guess this means i should get cracking on my ireland pics that i have yet to develop. hrm....
Hee hee, Larry! That pic is hilarious. You'd never know that you're wearing a woman's shirt.
And I'm glad this set of photos didn't include all the girl's asses that I'm SURE "A" took pictures of. I mean, I've seen the video. *shudder*
The words "Big Pimpin" come to mind as I see your new profile picture.
Oh boy, Larrikins, that is one bitchin' picture. Brown and pink are SO in this year too.
Watch out or Paris Hilton will be knocking on your door saying, "You're hot."
Nice, uh, digit you're displaying in the group photo, Lar...
You look waaaaay too comfortable in your giggilo garb. Anything you'd like to share with the group?
LOVE the pics!!!!
Your team wins when mine loses! (or the other way
Dude, you are one fine pimp. Want Motherdear for your possee?
Naw, that wasn't nice. Not even a little.
Pimpin all over the world... by Luda. That song came into my mind immed. Looks like you guys had a wonderful time! I LOVE THE PICS!! ;) Finally someone else is posting them! ...Ox...t
Nice pics. You're pimpin'.
Ltlme, "Carpe Diem, Sieze the carp." What are you waiting for?
Steph, actually, A only used my videocamera for the ass shots.
LB, that was the idea.
P-shag, are you tryin to scare me.
Stony, sometimes I like to switch it up and use my left hand, but I knew this pic was going to be a keeper.
Jenni, thanks, I have been waitig for about 2 months for them. I thought they were worth the wait.
Jess, if you pay me enough I might just tell you.
Dani, I hope we can both win consistently, except when the boys play each other, then, GO BLUES!
Kal, Dani may have something to say about me tryin take one of her possessions.
MD III, I am the only man whore in my stables. Plus if he looks anything like his picture, it might be a hard sell.
Tiff, I love posting pics, but rarely have them to post.
Digi, from the fingers of the original digital pimp to my eyes.
Thats RIGHT Motherdear is MINE!!
Oh and on November 4, February 12, March 1 and April 9 it's GO OILERS and BOO Blues!!
looks like you guys had such fun!!!
Well lets hope they beat up on the Stars tonight and then beat up on the Flames tomorrow!! They still need to beat your Blues though. Sorry.
Did I mention... I'm so HAPPY hockey is back!!
I just noticed... Just now... That Mr. Luv's hands are HUGE!!! Oh. I get it. Hehehe. That's why he's good with the ladies.
gosh, it's been years since i last saw a jheri curl.......
Are you ok????????? Hope you had a fabulous weekend! :) ...Ox...t
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