Okay, I have tried to post this about 20 times and every time it keeps shutting down my blog when I do. The only thing that seems to work is deleting it and trying again. Every time I delete it and republish, my blog comes back as you all have seen it over the past week and a half. I want to post finally and it won't let me. this is getting rediculous. Here goes. *eyes closed, pushing mouse button*How Long Was I OutI know I have been neglecting y'all, but it has only been because my boss has been working me like a slave. However, I have also had a slightly busy personal life. I have been to a second ballgame, several days of Blues training camp, out with friends, and to the Steph's birthday celebration.
Have I told you how much I missed NHL hockey? After going to the camp the past few days, I am so excited about the new season. In the past I have only been able to attend one or two games a year(due to monetary and relationship issues). This year I already have tickets for two games-one is tomorrow night's preseason game and the second one is opening night against Detroit! I have at least one trip to a Blues/Predators game in Nashville in the works for November 12, with a large(hopefully) group of friends. Nashville is a beautiful city and it is a great place to go see a Blues game(although, there is something almost disturbing about southern accents and hockey, for some reason it just doesn't seem to fit-I love a women with a southern accent, but I just can't put the two loves together). It is only about a four and a half to five hour drive and half the fans are rooting for the Blues, plus my grandparents live about 90 miles outside the city and I can visit them when I go. There is another game in Nashville that I am planning on going to on April 1, even if I go by myself. Not to mention, the large number of games I will end up at just because I feel like going(I haven't been able to do that since high school. Roy, you will be getting those "what are you doing tonight" phone calls again). Big Joe, just remember, when L can't go, I'm there for ya buddy.

I think I attended my last baseball game at the old Busch Stadium last Monday. It wasn't as good of a game as the one I already posted about, but, the Redbirds won in the bottom of the ninth on a walk off single, so it was still a great game. Unfortunately, playoff tickets are nonexistent unless I want to go through a broker or a scalper and pay way too much. I really can't justify spending that type of cash on baseball tickets right now, maybe if they make it to the series again.
As birthdays go, I think the Steph's was a success. She seemed to be having fun and had plenty of friends around. By the time I cut out around midnight(I had to work early Sunday) the Steph was so drunk she could hardly stand up, and still going strong.
Last Thursday I went with my cousin to see Harlan Williams at the local comedy club. He was pretty damn funny, but, whoever the guy who opened for him was, was fucking hillarious. Laughed my ass off. One of my friends from out of town was in on Sunday night and we went out with a few of his friends to see "Wedding Crashers"(I know it has been out for a while, but, I don't get out to see many movies). I laughed so hard I was almost crying through the whole thing. The ending was predictable but getting there was so much fun it was well worth it. Afterward, we went out for a drink and I spent the better part of an hour fending off advances by a woman who was way too old for me. She had a daughter who was closer to my age than she was. However, some of the people singing karaoke at the bar were a good listen and a some of them were just plain awful, which can be fun also.
Okay, that should be enough for now. I am gonna relax a bit and get ready for work tomorrow. Hopefully, I will be back quicker than the last time but, I just got 2 days off, and we are very busy in St. Louis, so it might be a bit again. Hope you all have a good week.
Holy crap! It worked!
*Doing a dance(no, it's not a seizure. I swear it's just me dancing)*LB, I saw your comment but again had problems and had to start over.