Part 1: I Shed A Tear Or TwoFirst, a big thank you to Big Joe for the ticket.
If you read the previous post you know I went to see the Blues retire Al MacInnis's #2 Sunday night. It was as cool as I thought it would be. Blues Alumni tough guys Kelly Chase and Tony Twist were in tears. And, I must admit, I shed a tear or two. I can't imagine being honored like that. Since I don't know how to convey how awesome it was I will show you a few pics of the evening and move on to the home opener on Monday.

Here is Al and his family watching as they started to raise the banner.

Here is a wider angle as the banner got higher.
Big Joe and I had to leave about halfway through the game to play in our own league game. But we did get to see the Blues take a lead that they would not relinquish before we left. I was beginning to wonder if the team was ever going to win a game.
We got to our game and the Iceholes mucked out another hard work win against a bunch of St. Charles area cops. Several of my teammates and I used to play roller hockey with one of the guys on the other team. I inquired as to whether he was going to be there and one of his teammates told me his brother had been killed earlier in the week during the storms that had passed through. If this wasn't bad enough news, this man had another brother die several years ago around this same time. I just hope he and his family are getting through it alright.
Part 2: Sometimes Stupid Is FunnyAfter Sunday night, I had lined up a visit to
Deaver's, my local drinking establishment, for Monday's Cardinals home opener. The Steph, her cousin Betsy, and myself enjoyed some deep fried goodness and several refreshing beverages during the game. Toward the end of the game Big Joe and his girlfriend Lindsay showed up. We ended up hanging out and drinking until around midnight. Throughout the afternoon and evening we saw several old friends. My friend Brian was there for the game. I found out he is playing for a local low level pro arena football team, and had been spending the last six months working 6 and 7 days a week on the electrical workings of the new stadium. Later in the evening, one of my old lacrosse teammates from high school showed up. I had not seen the guy for about 8 years. As we were both drunk, a little hillarity ensued. Especially when they opened up the mics for karaoke at 10p. At this point, y'all will have to wait and see if
the Steph posts about the rest of the evening. Since she was a witness to all the stupidity that followed and will tell it better than I could.