Will someone please tell the morons in Washington that America has so many more pressing issues than cheating in professional sports.
First, Congress puts together what I will refer to as a finger pointing committee, to investigate steroid use in Major League Baseball. To what effect? Hey, did you all hear that Roger Clemens might have used steroids. Great. All the problems that we are having holding our national economy together, and millions were spent so that I can find out that some dickhead, on some sports team might have used an illegal, performance enhancing drug to get a leg up on the competition. It might even be true. Joe's sister's boyfriend's cousin is the trainer at that one gym where Billy's boyfriend works out with Marvin Bernard, and he said Marvin admitted to using, but he quit.
Who is Marvin Bernard, you ask. One of the 89 players who got a big Red White and Blue finger pointed at him in the previously mentioned Mitchell Report. 409 pages of wasted effort, time and other valuable resources that could have been allocated toward something useful. Like, I don't know, how to get some of that $9 Trillion national debt cleared up. Hell, future, world-raping, super power, China holds some $1.4 trillion of that debt, alone. Mostly, on paper. But, when you look at it they still hold countless billions in hard currency. If they dumped just a fraction of their holdings, our economy tanks catastrophically.
Putting all those resources to good use just doesn't make sense to our wonderfully, self-important lawmakers though. Nope, they have to start digging into another professional sport's closet for skeletons. Now, Sen. Arlen Spector(R. PA) wants to investigate why Commissioner Roger Goodell destroyed the "videogate" tapes from the leagues investigation into the early season mess. Hey, Blowhard! WHO. FUCKING. CARES? What are you going to do? Arrest General Belichick, for breaking rule 5167823 b. article 17 a. subsection 23 c, in the NFL rule book. Last I checked, that wasn't punishable by anything more than an arbitrary suspension and/or fine imposed by the same man who decided to destroy the "evidence". Hell, you guys didn't even press any charges on any of the parties named in your previous report. They actually broke the law, if you can prove they were using controlled substances illegally.
Let the sports clean themselves up or face the consequences on their own. We the People, need your help right now. I go to work every day and some of the money I earn pays your inflated salaries. I vote you into office. And, it seems that no matter which hole I punch in the ballot, I always seem to regret it later. Do something constructive, please.
Labels: Annoyance, Politics, Rage