Now, That. Is. Creepy!
On several occasions my sister has told me that she thinks my job is kind of creepy. I can see her point. I pretty much stalk people proffesionally. But, at the end of the day, I won't remember your name unless something unusual or really cool happens, then I have a story. To me, though, I would not be following any of these people if they did not pay me to do it, and that is the difference between me and a stalker.
Today I recieved a phone call from one of my co-workers. He proceeded to tell me a story that really creeped me out.
Sometimes, we do what is called camo surveillance, one person sits in the woods in camo gear watching the property, and at least one person set up to follow the subject if they leave.
Well the person set up in the vehicle got bored and decided to take a walk. He started to walk toward where the other investigator was set up in camo. As he got closer he picked the other investigator out of the surrounding greenery, and as it was put to me, "I thought he had parkinson's because his hand was shaking so much...then I realized what he was holding. I turned around and went back to my car."
It made my skin crawl to hear it. This guy is sitting in the woods in front of someone's home, masturbating. He may have just been trying to aleviate the boredom, he may not be getting any attention at home, hell, he may just be a chronic masturbator. Who knows. But to do it in public, outside in front of someone's home, that is just wrong and very creepy.
Steph do you still think what I do is creepy?